Suspicious Stain (可疑污点)
“Suspicious Stain” is a performance that traces the bodily histories of women who grew up in China and are now based in various European countries, including Finland and
Germany. It reflects on their perpetual flight from suspect identities: as Chinese citizens, women, ‘blood packages’, costs of rapid development, ‘huminerals’ (human minerals),
patriarchal patches, and colonial fantasies. This work explores the constant diasporic state embodied by these women, focusing on internalized surveillance, bodily
colonization, and extractive capitalism’s impact on thenfemale body in a post-colonial context.
Direction and dramaturgy: Qiong Zhang @madbadlizard
Performance: Christy Ma @christymo Qiong Zhang, Xiaole
Wang @pinpure , Yumo Cheng @yumolovehouse
Sound design: Johanna Sulalampi @johannasulalampi
Light design: David Brabec @ccadejv
Costume support: Alena Tereshko @alenkij86
Producer: Nina Numminen
Photo: Jere Aalto @jerejaalto
Renens Palace: The Blooming Red Flower on my Butt